How often should I water my foundation?
When the soil starts to “shrink away” from the foundation, it’s time to water. The south and west sides of a structure will normally need more watering than the north and east sides due to the exposure to the hot, afternoon sun. Also, many large bushes and trees require lots of extra moisture…so their presence can be a major factor in how much you need to water.
Are all engineer reports the same?
No, There are 3 different types of engineer reports. They are:
- Make visual observations during a physical walk-through.
- Observe factors influencing the performance of the foundation.
- The Engineer may provide a written report, containing the following:
All of Level A, plus
- A determination of relative foundation elevations in sufficient detail to represent the shape of the foundation or floor adequately.
- Provide a drawing showing the relative elevations.
All of Level B, plus
- Additional services, testing and related reports which may include:
- Site specific soil sampling and testing
- Plumbing testing
- Material testing
- Steel reinforcing survey
- Description of factors that affect soil moisture
- Observations of cut and fill
- Tree survey
- Photographs
- Detailed distress survey
How is a plumbing test performed?
First a pressure gauge is attached to a faucet and the faucet is opened. As long as all water use is stopped, the gauge will show the pressure at which water is delivered from the street. Next, the water meter is turned off. If there are no leaks, the pressure on the gauge will remain constant. If the pressure falls, it means that water is escaping from the lines under the house.
Second, the sewer line is blocked off with a balloon where it comes out from under the foundation at the clean-outs. Next the sewer is filled with water. Given that the sewer is blocked off from the main, if the water level in the sewer drops, there must be a leak.
What is a root barrier?
What is a moisture barrier?
Moisture barriers are vertical layers of plastic that are buried in the ground. As water flows up against a moisture barrier, it is stopped and prevented from getting under a home.
How do I know if I have heaving?
When a foundation heaves, it moves upwards. The best way to identify heaving, is to do an elevation survey of your foundation, and then prepare a contour diagram. In many cases, the contour diagram will produce information that can help in seeing where a have is and how high it is.
What is a french drain?
French drains are trenches that contain a perforated drain pipe which is surrounded by gravel. Either the entire trench is lined with filter fabric, or the pipe is wrapped in filter fabric.
Can trees cause my foundation problems?
We have found that any large tree or bush can cause foundation settlement of a slab foundation. Some of the worst Trees for your foundation are: Weeping Willow trees, Cottonwood trees, Mulberry trees, Pecan trees, Maple trees, Ash trees, Bradford Pear trees, Red Tipped Phontinias and Wax Leafed Ligustrums.
Are drainage repairs important and necessary?
Yes, improper drainage can ultimately cause foundation problems. Even if you’ve had foundation repair work done, it is important to correct the drainage issue, so that additional foundation problems do not occur.
How do foundation repairs affect my plumbing?
Any time a slab foundation settles the plumbing pipes which are underneath and attached to the foundation can be damaged. They can also be damaged when you lift a house back towards its original position.
Will fixing my foundation close the existing cracks or open new ones?
It is possible to do both. The goal of foundation repairs is to return the house to as near its original position as possible while trying to limit damage to the home.
How long after the repairs should I wait to fix my cracks?
Your wait will depend on how much the house has been lifted. The slab should not move after it has been lifted but the walls may need time to adjust to their new position. A general rule-of-thumb would be to wait one month after repairs are completed.